give the matlab command that lists all male names. hint: look up the strcmp function. in matlab

To list all the male names in Matlab, assuming that you have a cell array of names called names, you can use the strcmp function to compare each name to the string "male", creating a logical array of true/false values. You can then use this logical array to index the names cell array and extract only the names where the logical value is true. Here is the code block that accomplishes this:

% Example names cell array
names = {'John', 'Sarah', 'David', 'Michael', 'Jessica', 'Christopher'};

% Create a logical array comparing each name to "male"
is_male = strcmp(names, 'male');

% Use logical indexing to extract only the names where the value of is_male is true
male_names = names(is_male);
303 chars
9 lines

The resulting male_names variable will contain a cell array of all the male names in the names variable.

gistlibby LogSnag