create a for loop that assigns each count obtaned for each range %to each element of a new vector "z” made also of 7 elements in matlab

To create a for loop that assigns each count obtained for each range % to each element of a new vector z made of 7 elements in Matlab, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Define a vector of ranges, let's call it rangesVec, that has the ranges you want to process.
  2. Create a vector z with 7 elements. These will hold the counts obtained for each range percentage.
  3. Use a for loop to iterate over each element in rangesVec.
  4. For each element in rangesVec, calculate the count for that range and store it in the corresponding index of z.
  5. The output will be the vector z containing the count for each range percentage.

Here's how this can be implemented in Matlab with a for loop:

% Define the ranges vector
rangesVec = [0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.13];

% Create a vector to store the counts
z = zeros(1, 7);

% Loop over each range
for i = 1:length(rangesVec)
    % Calculate the count for the current range
    count = rangesVec(i)*100;
    % Store the count in the corresponding index of z
    z(i) = count;

% Display the counts for each range
390 chars
18 lines

This code first defines a vector of ranges called rangesVec. It then creates a vector z of length 7 to hold the count for each range percentage. The for loop then iterates over each element of rangesVec and calculates the count for that range by multiplying the range value by 100. The count is then stored in the index of z corresponding to the current range. Finally, the code displays the counts for each range.

gistlibby LogSnag