code for w(t+1)=r+(1-f/v)w(t) in matlab

You can code the equation w(t+1)=r+(1-f/v)w(t) in matlab using numerical methods. One common approach is to use the forward Euler method, which is a simple and easy-to-implement method.

Here's an implementation of the forward Euler method for the given equation:

% Define the equation parameters
r = 1;
f = 2;
v = 3;

% Define the initial condition
w0 = 0;

% Define the time step
dt = 0.1;

% Define the time interval
t = 0:dt:10;

% Initialize the solution array
w = zeros(size(t));

% Set the initial condition
w(1) = w0;

% Apply the forward Euler method
for i = 1:length(t)-1
    w(i+1) = w(i) + dt*(r + (1 - f/v)*w(i));

% Plot the solution
plot(t, w)
title('Solution of w(t+1) = r + (1-f/v)w(t)')
475 chars
31 lines

Note that in this implementation, we have defined the parameters r, f, and v, as well as the initial condition w0, the time step dt, and the time interval t. We have also initialized an array w to store the solution and set the initial condition w(1) = w0.

Then, we have applied the forward Euler method using a for loop to update the solution at each time step i+1, based on the previous solution w(i) and the equation w(t+1) = r + (1-f/v)w(t).

Finally, we have plotted the solution using plot.

gistlibby LogSnag