robot = robot([pi/2; pi/2; pi/2; pi/2; pi/2; pi/2]); in matlab

To create a robot object in MATLAB with the specified set of joint angles, you can use the following code snippet:

% Define the joint angles (in radians)
joint_angles = [pi/2; pi/2; pi/2; pi/2; pi/2; pi/2];

% Create the robot object
robot = robotics.RigidBodyTree();

% Add the body to the robot
body = robotics.RigidBody('link1');
joint = robotics.Joint('joint1', 'revolute');
setFixedTransform(joint, trvec2tform([0 0 0]));
joint.JointAxis = [0 0 1];
joint.HomePosition = joint_angles(1);
body.Joint = joint;
addBody(robot, body, 'base');

% Repeat for all the joints
460 chars
18 lines

Here, we are creating a robotics.RigidBodyTree object called robot, and adding rigid bodies to it using the addBody() function. We also define joint objects using robotics.Joint and set their properties (such as JointAxis and HomePosition) as needed. The trvec2tform() function is used to create homogeneous transformation matrices for each joint.

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