write a functioni = csimpson(f,h)that takes as inputsfan array of functionvalues andhthe distance between grid values and computesithe compositesimpson’s approximation of the integral in matlab

Here is the implementation of the csimpson function in MATLAB:

function I = csimpson(f, h)
% CSIMPSON  Composite Simpson's rule for numerical integration
% Inputs:
%   f: array of function values
%   h: distance between grid values
% Output:
%   I: composite Simpson's approximation of the integral

% Check that length(f) is odd
if mod(length(f), 2) == 0
    error('Length of f must be odd')

% Compute the weights
n = length(f) - 1;
w = ones(1, n+1);
for i = 2:n
    if mod(i, 2) == 0
        w(i+1) = 2;
        w(i+1) = 4;

% Compute the approximation
I = h/3 * sum(w .* f);
545 chars
28 lines


  • The function takes the input array of function values f and the distance between grid values h.
  • The mod function is used to check if the length of f is odd. If it is even, the function throws an error.
  • The weights for the Simpson's rule are computed based on the length of f.
  • The Simpson's rule approximation for the integral is computed and returned.

Example Usage:

>> f = [1, 5, 3, 8, 2];
>> h = 1;
>> I = csimpson(f, h)
I =
66 chars
6 lines

Note: This implementation assumes that the input array of function values f is equally spaced. If f is not equally spaced, then a different method for computing the distance between grid values h would be needed.

gistlibby LogSnag