displacement from a video in matlab

To estimate and correct the displacement in a video sequence in Matlab, we can use the motion estimation technique. This technique can estimate the motion vector for each pixel in a frame and use these motion vectors to correct the displacement and align the frames.

The steps involved in estimating and correcting the displacement in a video sequence using motion estimation in Matlab are as follows:

  1. Read the video sequence into Matlab using the VideoReader function
video = VideoReader('filename.mp4');
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  1. Extract two consecutive frames from the video sequence
frame1 = read(video, 1);
frame2 = read(video, 2);
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  1. Apply motion estimation to estimate the motion vector between the two frames using the block matching method (here we use the imregtform function)
tform = imregtform(frame2, frame1, 'translation', optimizer, metric);
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  1. Apply the estimated transform to correct the displacement and align the frames
frame2_corrected = imwarp(frame2, tform);
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  1. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for all the frames in the video sequence and write the corrected frames to a new video file using the VideoWriter function
writer = VideoWriter('corrected_video.avi', 'Uncompressed AVI');

while hasFrame(video)
    frame1 = readFrame(video);
    if hasFrame(video)
        frame2 = readFrame(video);
        tform = imregtform(frame2, frame1, 'translation', optimizer, metric);
        frame2_corrected = imwarp(frame2, tform);
        writeVideo(writer, frame2_corrected);

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This process will estimate and correct the displacement in the video sequence and output a new video file with aligned frames.

gistlibby LogSnag