plot a bar graph with 10 items in matlab

To plot a bar graph with 10 items in matlab, first create a vector containing the data you want to plot. Let's call this vector data. Then, use the bar function to create the bar plot.

The code would look something like this:

data = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]; % Example data
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This will create a simple bar plot with 10 bars, one for each element in the data vector. You can customize the plot by adding labels, changing the colors, and adjusting the axis limits.

labels = {'Item 1','Item 2','Item 3','Item 4','Item 5','Item 6','Item 7','Item 8','Item 9','Item 10'};
bar(data,'r') % Plot bars in red color
set(gca,'xticklabel',labels,'fontsize',12) % Set x-axis labels and font size
xlabel('Items','fontsize',14) % Set x-axis label and font size
ylabel('Data','fontsize',14) % Set y-axis label and font size
ylim([0 12]) % Set y-axis limits
title('Bar Graph of 10 Items','fontsize',16) % Set title and font size
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This will create a bar plot with red bars, labeled x-axis and y-axis, limits of the y-axis set between 0 and 12, and a title.

gistlibby LogSnag