with image size of 512x512 and a threshold value of t and a starting position of x,y and a maximum region of 20 pixels generate code for a grow region in matlab

Here's an example code for performing region growing with the given specifications:

% Read the image file
img = imread('image.jpg');

% Set the starting point and the maximum region size
x = 100;
y = 100;
max_size = 20;

% Set the threshold value
t = 128;

% Get the size of the image
[img_height, img_width] = size(img);

% Create a visited matrix to keep track of pixels that were already visited
visited = zeros(img_height, img_width);

% Create a region map to store the resulting region
region_map = zeros(img_height, img_width);

% Perform region growing
grow_region(x, y);

% Display the region map

% Define the recursive function for region growing
function grow_region(x, y)
    global img t visited region_map max_size;

    % If the new region size has reached the maximum size or the pixel was
    % already visited, return
    if region_map(y, x) || max_size == 0

    % Calculate the absolute difference between the pixel value and the
    % threshold value
    diff = abs(img(y, x) - t);
    % If the absolute difference is less than the threshold, add the pixel
    % to the region    
    if diff < t
        region_map(y, x) = 1;
        % Mark the pixel as visited
        visited(y, x) = 1;
        % Decrease the maximum region size
        max_size = max_size - 1;
        % Check the neighboring pixels and recursively call the function
        % for the pixels that satisfy the threshold condition
        if x > 1 && ~visited(y, x - 1)
            grow_region(x - 1, y);
        if x < size(img, 2) && ~visited(y, x + 1)
            grow_region(x + 1, y);
        if y > 1 && ~visited(y - 1, x)
            grow_region(x, y - 1);
        if y < size(img, 1) && ~visited(y + 1, x)
            grow_region(x, y + 1);
1793 chars
68 lines

In this code, we start by reading the image file and setting the starting point (x and y) and the maximum region size (max_size) as well as the threshold value (t). We also create a visited matrix to keep track of pixels that were already visited and a region map to store the resulting region.

Then, we define the recursive grow_region function that takes the current pixel coordinates as arguments. If the maximum region size was already reached or the pixel was already visited, we stop the recursion. Otherwise, we check if the absolute difference between the pixel value and the threshold value is less than the threshold. If it is, we add the pixel to the region, mark it as visited, and check its neighboring pixels. For each neighboring pixel that satisfies the threshold condition and was not already visited, we recursively call the grow_region function.

Finally, we display the resulting region map using the imshow function.

gistlibby LogSnag