graph isomorphis in matlab

To graph isomorphism in MATLAB, you can use the built-in functions provided by the Graph Theory Toolbox. Here's a step-by-step guide to graph isomorphism using MATLAB:

  1. Define your graphs: Create two separate graph objects representing the two graphs you want to compare for isomorphism. You can use the graph or digraph function to create the graphs.
G1 = graph([1 2 3],[2 3 1]); %Graph 1 with 3 nodes and 3 edges
G2 = graph([4 5 6],[5 6 4]); %Graph 2 with 3 nodes and 3 edges
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  1. Compute the graph isomorphism: Use the isomorphism function to check whether the two graphs are isomorphic. The function returns a logical value indicating whether the graphs are isomorphic or not.
isomorphic = isomorphism(G1, G2);
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  1. Visualize the graphs: You can use the plot function to visualize both graphs. This step is optional but can be useful to visually inspect the graphs.
subplot(1, 2, 1);
title('Graph 1');

subplot(1, 2, 2);
title('Graph 2');
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  1. Output the result: Finally, you can print the result of the isomorphism test.
if isomorphic
    disp('The two graphs are isomorphic.');
    disp('The two graphs are not isomorphic.');
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By following these steps, you can compare the two graphs and determine whether they are isomorphic or not using MATLAB.

gistlibby LogSnag