take the integral of a function in php

In PHP, you can use the integrate function of the Math library to compute the integral of a function. The first parameter of the integrate function is a closure that defines the function to integrate. The second parameter is an array that specifies the integration range and other options.

Here is an example code that integrates the function f(x) = x^2 from 0 to 1:

use MathPHP\NumericalAnalysis\Integration;

function f($x) {
    return $x * $x; // define the function f(x) = x^2

$integrated = Integration::integrate(
    'f', // the function to integrate
    [0, 1], // the integration range
    ['method' => 'trapezoid'] // other options

echo $integrated; // prints 0.33333333333333, which is the integral of f(x) from 0 to 1
370 chars
14 lines

In this example, we first define the function f using a closure. Then, we call the integrate function of the Integration class, passing f as the first parameter, the integration range [0, 1] as the second parameter, and an array that specifies the integration method (trapezoid in this case). Finally, we print the result (which should be 1/3 or 0.33333).

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