keyboard pause cile via del key in python

To pause or wait for a user to press the delete key, we can use the keyboard library in Python. It provides a simple way to interact with the keyboard, including detecting when a specific key is pressed.

Here is an example of how to wait for the delete key to be pressed before continuing execution:
import keyboard

print("Press the Delete key to continue...")
109 chars
6 lines

In this example, we first import the keyboard library. We then print a message to the user to indicate that they need to press the delete key. We wait for the delete key using the keyboard.wait() function, which blocks until the specified key is pressed. Once the delete key is detected, we print another message indicating that we are continuing execution.

Note that keyboard.wait() can also take a timeout parameter, which specifies the maximum amount of time to wait for the key to be pressed. If the timeout is exceeded, the function will return None.
import keyboard

print("Press the Delete key within 5 seconds to continue...")
pressed = keyboard.wait('delete', timeout=5)
if pressed is None:
    print("Timeout exceeded")
207 chars
9 lines

In this example, we set a timeout of 5 seconds. If the delete key is not pressed within that time, we print an error message. Otherwise, we print a success message and continue execution.

gistlibby LogSnag