remove a substring from a string at a specific index in python

To remove a substring from a string at a specific index in Python, you can concatenate the parts of the original string that come before and after the substring you want to remove. Here's an example code snippet:
original_string = "Hello, World!"
index_to_remove = 7
substring_length = 5

new_string = original_string[:index_to_remove] + original_string[index_to_remove + substring_length:]
196 chars
7 lines

In this case, the original_string is "Hello, World!", and we want to remove the substring "World" starting at index 7 (where the "W" is located). To do this, we first store the index we want to remove and the length of the substring.

Then, we create a new string by concatenating the beginning of the original string (up to the index we want to remove) and the end of the string (starting after the (index + length) of the substring we want to remove).

The resulting new_string is "Hello, d!", with the "World" substring successfully removed.

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