build a chaotic markow chain model to forecast univariate time series data. in r

Here's an example of how to build a chaotic Markov chain model to forecast univariate time series data in R:

# Load required packages

# Generate time series data
n <- 1000
x <- rnorm(n)
for(i in 2:n){
  x[i] <- 0.8 * x[i-1] + rnorm(1, 0, 0.2)

# Split data into training and testing sets
train_size <- 800
train <- x[1:train_size]
test <- x[(train_size+1):n]

# Build the chaotic Markov chain model
order <- 2 # order of the Markov chain model
P <- array(0, dim=c(order,floor((n-order)/order)+1)) # transitional probability matrix
for(i in 1:floor((n-order)/order)){
  P[,i] <- table(cut(x[(order*(i-1)+1):(order*i)], breaks=quantile(x, probs=(0:order)/order)))
P <- P/rowSums(P) # normalize probability
P[is.nan(P)] <- 1/order # handle NA
lambda <- eigen(t(P))$values[1] # largest eigenvalue
pi0 <- rep(1/3,3) # initial probability
mc <- function(N) c(rep(0,(order-1)), rmultinom(N-order+1, 1, pi0 %*% (matrix(lambda, 3, 3)^(floor((order+1):(N-1)/order)+1) * P)))
Z <- list(x=train, y=test, model=list(mc=mc, order=order, P=P, lambda=lambda, pi0=pi0))

# Make predictions using the model
pred <- predict(mc, newdata=list(N=length(test)), object=Z$model)

# Evaluate accuracy of the model
accuracy <- mean(pred[1:length(test)] == test)
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36 lines

Note that this code generates a simulated time series data and splits it into training and testing sets for demonstration purposes. To use this model on actual data, replace the x with your own time series data and adjust the train_size accordingly. The code assumes that the x is stationary (i.e., constant mean and variance) and its distribution is similar across time. The order of the Markov chain model (order) needs to be chosen so that the transitional probability matrix P is not too sparse or too dense. The code handles missing probabilities by assigning equal probabilities to all possible states in the next step. The model can be tuned by adjusting the initial probability pi0, the smoothing parameter lambda, and the transitional probability matrix P.

gistlibby LogSnag