r code snippets in r

a function to unload all loaded libraries in r
access excel sheet in file in r
access gpt-3 with r in r
add 90 days to a date using lubridate in r
add a column with the same value in r
add a value to a vector in r
add an element to the beginning of an array in r
add an element to the end of an array in r
add legend in r
anova with repeated measure in r
append to a csv file in r
append to a file in r
assign identical list to vector of names r in r
build a chaotic markow chain model to forecast univariate time series data. in r
build a simple neural network in r
build an xgboost model in r
calculate 99 percentile in r
calculate harmonic mean in r
calculate index in r
calculate overlap date in r
calculate the mean by group in r
calculate the mean by group with missing data in r
calculate the mean with a data.table in r
calculate the z score in r
calculate the z score by group in r
catch error reading file and report filename in r
change decimal points in r
change one value in dplyr in r
change the font size of a plot made with eulerr in r
change the order of columns in r
change the orientation of x axis labels to vertical in ggplotw in r
check if column values have 90 percent overlap in vlaues in r
check last three characters of a file in r
clear data from environment in r
combins two datasets in r
concatenate two characters in a print() in r
confidence interval in r
convert a tibble to an xts using the `date` column of the tibble as the xts index in r
convert columns into rows in r
convolve array in r
copy a csv file in r
copy a directory in r
copy a file in r
correlation matrix with certain variables in r
count the number in a grouop in r
covnert a dataframe variable from character to factor in r
create a 2 paired t test on two random datasets of numbers in r
create a boxplot with ggplot2 in r
create a boxplot with pink lines in r
create a csv file in r
create a dataframe in r
create a dataframe from csv file in r
create a dataframe with year from 2015 until 2023 in r
create a directory in r
create a function for central theroem limit in r
create a function which sends an xmpp message of user input in r
create a function with mutate in r
create a knn model in r
create a leaflet map of the uk in r
create a linear regression in r
create a logistic regression on four parameters in r
create a logistic regression on four parameters and predict for each in r
create a loop in r
create a loop and make a shapiro test on specific columns chosen in a vector in r
create a loop based on columns varaibles in r
create a loop in bash in r
create a loop in specific columns from a dataframe in r
create a loop tidyverse in r
create a loop when 1 is added at each iteration to a numerical variable in r
create a map in r
create a map of the uk in r
create a memoised function to add two numbers in r
create a regression discontinuity model in r
create a script that will parse a file every day and add new lines to a database in r
create a shiny app in r
create shiny app for cv in r
create sub dataframe according to columns values in r
create transaction network diagram in r
create two histograms in r
creates timeseries in r
dataset with subset of variables in r
decompose a time series using the stl model and plot the decokmposition plot using autoplot in r
delete a csv file in r
delete a directory in r
delete a file in r
delete a variable in r
delete empty rows in r
dgtmatrix .mtx_cols in r
discision tree in r
display a range from 1 to 10 in r
display all column of a df in r
display all unique values from a variable in r
divide alternating rows in table in r
divide row by another row if it is a certain comun in r
divide value in a tabble based on side column in r
do a variation partioning in r
do a variation partioning using vegan package in r
dplyr filter multiple columns for unique value in r
dplyr left join without middle names in r
dplyr remove prefix column names in r
dplyr rename first character all column names in r
dplyr rename prefix column names in r
draw plot in r
draw x-y plot in r where the size of the scatter is by size of column z in r
draw x-y plot using the ggplot package where the size of the scatter is by size of column z in r in r
drop variables in r
duplicate every row in a table and add a suffix in r
duplicate every row in a table and add a suffix with dplyr in r
dynamic diff-in-diff in r
example for fitdistr() in r
example for sink() function in r
export a dataframe as csv file in r
export csv in dataframe in r
export csv in dataframe, remove specific rows and column in r
export df as csv in r
export list as csv in r
extract dataframe from list in r
extract significant variables in r
extract the latest entry of a file in r
filter a data.table in r
filter a dataframe based on two values from a column in r
filter a dataframe by columns name pirate and actor in r
filter a dataframe from a specific value in a column in r
filter a dataframe from specific variable value superior to in r
filter a dataframe rows based on multiple values from a specific column in r
filter dates tidyverse in r
filter nycflights13 by month in r
filter nycflights13 by month of july in r
find a file using a pattern in a list of directories in r
find a zscore in r
find a zscore using sigma mean and sample size in r
find all string objects in r
find common values between vectors in r
find files containing report in their names in r
find kth most common elements in tidyverse in r
find patterns in a file within quotes in r
find smallest number by group in r
find the average of all elements in an array in r
find the closest 10 neighbors of a time series in r
find the contents of a directory in r
find the creation date of a csv file in r
find the creation date of a directory in r
find the creation date of a file in r
find the extension of a csv file in r
find the extension of a file in r
find the first element in an array in r
find the index of an element in an array in r
find the kth largest element in an array in r
find the kth least common element in an array in r
find the kth least frequent element in an array in r
find the kth most common element in an array in r
find the kth most frequent element in an array in r
find the kth smallest element in an array in r
find the largest element in an array in r
find the last accessed date of a csv file in r
find the last accessed date of a directory in r
find the last accessed date of a file in r
find the last element in an array in r
find the last modified date of a csv file in r
find the last modified date of a directory in r
find the last modified date of a file in r
find the length of an array in r
find the maximum number in a list of numbers in r
find the median of all elements in an array in r
find the mode of all elements in an array in r
find the name of a csv file in r
find the name of a directory in r
find the name of a file in r
find the parent directory of a directory in r
find the parent directory of a file in r
find the path of a csv file in r
find the path of a directory in r
find the path of a file in r
find the range of all elements in an array in r
find the root directory of a directory in r
find the root directory of a file in r
find the size of a csv file in r
find the size of a file in r
find the smallest element in an array in r
find the standard deviation of all elements in an array in r
find the sum of all elements in an array in r
find the variance of all elements in an array in r
fit a fixed effect model in r
fit a function to data in r
fit a glm model in r
fit a multvariate-t mixture model in r
fixed effects in r in r
for loop in r
format date as year in r
format variable as year in r
fourier transform in r
from character to numeric in r
from character to year in r
generate synthetic dataset with rose in r
generate the nth fibonacci number in r
get 95 percentile outliers in column in r
get a list of dates for the next 20 fridays in r
get candidate join columns in r
get data from internet in r
get outliers in array in r
get respomse in r
get the first day of a week as a date in r
get the first element of the first list in a list of 48 lists. in r
get the partial derivative of x in r
get two time series. split them into intersecting windows of length 10. then find the closest 5 neighbors for one time series from the other time series in r
ggplot line plot of this "egarch.forecast$`1973-04-01 01:00:00`" in r
given a set of time series data find the slope in r
graph panel data by group in r
graph percentage in r
graph to visualize coxfit mdoel to the data in r
group by then summarize in r
growth curve model for binary outcome in r
hide user input in r
how bootstrap in r in r
how do i change a s4 into a data frame in r
how do i divide table collumns in r
how do i find the average of one variable in a datset in r
how to apply a function to a specific set of variable from a dataframe in r
how to assign a value in r in r
how to assign a variable in r in r
how to code a binomial distribution? in r
how to combine two dataframe in r
how to compute weighted average in r in r
how to connect tweeter in r in r
how to create a data table in r
how to create a dataframe in r
how to create a def in r
how to create a loop for principle component analysis in r
how to create a package in r in r
how to create a scatterplot in r
how to create a shapiro test to a specific set of columns from a table in r
how to create a table in r
how to create a token in r in r
how to create an excel in r
how to create obustbase in r
how to do bootstrap to get variances in r
how to do expectation-maximization in r in r
how to do iplot in r
how to filter a correlation matrix in r
how to get 10th item from 2nd column in r
how to get a vector's walsh mean in r
how to get hodges lehmann statistics in r in r
how to import data in r
how to install a package in r
how to install a package in in r
how to make a discision tree in r
how to make a peanut butter sandwich in r
how to make a sankey in r
how to make a shapiro test on some columns from a data table in r
how to make all arguments of a function named in r
how to make consecutive dates in r
how to merge data in r
how to moving average in r
how to name all arguments of a function in r in r
how to perform t-test in r
how to predict() in r
how to process mining in r
how to put two variables boxplot on a same categorical variable in ggplot in r
how to remove duplication in r
how to rollmean in r
how to use factor in in r
how to use predict() in r in r
if a variable is superior to a value, add it to a vector in r
if a variable superior to a value, print something in r
import nycflights13 library in r
in a dataframe where the concentration column goes 10, 5, 2, 1 repeatedly, reverse the order of the concentration column in r
in a single ggplot2 plot plot three vectors of data of different legnht in differenct colors in r
in a time series dataframe named "csmib", drop all the rows containing na observations in r
in data.table, assign multiple columns by reference in r
in the ggplot2 plot of time series, generate vertical red lines at each date indicated in the "date" column of another dataframe in r
isolate most common in r
item in r
join without middle name in r
legend in 2 columns in r
load a spreadsheet into r. combined the first four rows and six columns into a matrix and if there are duplicate values in the matrix, randomise all rows in r
load an excel file in r
load an excel file starting at row 5 in r
load the dplyr and palmerpenguis. create ggplot with body mass and filpper length, use species for color in r
log returns (continuous compund returns) of a time series in r
logistic regression in r
loop from 10 to 5 in r
loop through all files in a folder in r
loop through all items in vector test and double them in r
maak een dataframe met jaar van 2015 tot 2023 in r
make a long list in r
make a nested list in r
make a pretty histogram with ggplot2 in r
make apretty histogram in r
make posth-hoc test with repeated measure design in r
matrix, how tu use in r
memoise a function in r
memoise fibonacci in r
moderation model orthogonalizing in lavaan in r
move a column in r
move a csv file in r
move a directory in r
move a file in r
mse from mean in r
multi variable look up table in r
multinomial mixed model in r
multiply matrices in r
multivariable merge table in r
mutate a column via its name in r
named arguments in functions r in r
obtain modified response values with the variation removed from conditioned variable in a partial redundancy analysis in r
parse list of variables to lm in r
parse variables to lm in r
perform a mediation in r
perform a repeated anova in r
perform sequence analysis in r
perform sequence pattern recognition in r
pivot a dataset in r
pivot longer one column in data frame in r
plot a 3d via plotly in r
plot a distribution in r
plot a graph of g against income with three colours for each race. in r
plot a histogram with ggplot in r
plot a normal distribution with a mean of 10 and sd of 2 in r
plot barchart in ggplot in r
plot three different time series of different lenghts in a single ggplot2 plot. in r
plot when years are columns in r
post request gistlib query in r
predict with linear regression in r
print blank in r
r divide a row by another row if the next column matches in r
r matrix in r
read a file in r
read all files in a directory into a data frame, with a column recording filename in r
read all files in a directory into a data frame, with a column recording filename using tidyverse in r
recode some rows of dataframe in r
regex after underscore in r
regex all numbers in r
regex number in r
regex return string after the last underscore in r
regex return string after underscore in r
regex second number in r
remove mutltiple columns from a df in r
remove a column in a df which contamin special characters in r
remove a column in a df with a special name in r
remove a row from a dataframe in r
remove all punctuation from character in r
remove an element from an array at a specific index in r
remove an element from the beginning of an array in r
remove an element from the end of an array in r
remove an element from the middle of an array in r
remove column 'a' and 'c' from a df in r
remove columns in a dataframe in r
remove columns in a df based on a pattern inside the columns names in r
remove dataset in environment in r
remove specific columns in a dataframe in r
remove text after character in r
remove the variation in response variable coming from the variation in explanatory variables in r
remove values from environment in r
removing column from a df with their column names in r
removing column from a df with their names in r
rename a csv file in r
rename a directory in r
rename a file in r
reorder columns in r
retrieve response table from conditioned redundancy analysis in r
retrieve response variable values from reduced variation by conditioned redundancy analysis in r
reverse a vector in r in r
reverse an array in r
reverse the order of a column of a tibble using tidyverese in r
rmse in r in r
run a difference in differences analysis in r
run a logistic regression in r
run principal component analysis in r
scrape gistlib query in r
scrape website chemdraw for low melting point in r
search fastq for 2 oliglionuclitides in r
select a column in data frame in r
select all the col in df exept the last in r
select all the ol in a df exept the last 2 in r
select columns from a df in r
select data in r
sequence dates lubridate in r
set a new path in r
set the first row as headers in r
solve the travelling salesman problem in r
sort a dataframe according to a specfic variable pattern in r
sort an array in r
sort rows with missing values in r
split a time series data to windows of length 10. then for each window, find the closest 5 neighbors from past in r
split a time series data to windows of length 10. then for each window, find the closest 5 preceding neighbors using weighted euclidean distance in r
spread a data frame in a list in r
standardize data in r
start a process in r
style a histogram with ggplot in r
subset a list using time in r
subset of variable whose names contain pattern in r
subset of variables that have pattern in r
subset using loop in r in r
summarize all variables in r
summarize all variables by group in r
summarize list of variables by group in r
summarize multiple variables by group in r
summarize variables by group in r
take a list and find the maximum element in every 10 element window in r
takes data with two fixed effects and one random effect. makes a mixed effects model in r
test difference of variances of 2 variablse in r
test if a json file is corrupt in r
tidyverse overlap 90 percent column values in r
to this tibble `csmib_lag1` add the column `date` from this tibble `csmib` as a date index, hence it should be the first column of `csmib_lag1` in r
train a logistic regression model in r
transform a df in dt in r
transpose a dataframe in r
transpose a dataframe according to a specific column in r
turn a list into a table in r
unnest a list in r
upload .mtx_cols in r
use index number to name file in r
use index number to name file in a loop in r
use the ave function in r
using lavaan structural regression, with agency as auxiliary covariate in r
v-dem data in r
variable name that contains a pattern in r
vote results percentage graph in r
what does "\\3" mean in r
what is family in r
what is the difference between <- and = in r
write a code to identify states in timeseries data with hmm in r
write a function for nested block design anova in r
write a function for nested random factor anova in r
write a function that accepts a path to a r script and returns the paths declared there in r
write a function to subset a data.table, then wight unit test for that function in r
write a function to suggest a data.table in r
write a json in r
write a subset sum function using dynamic programming in r
write me how to keep all the column from a df containing the word "blank" in r
write to a csv file in r
write to a file in r
z score by group in r
z score by group tidyverse in r

gistlibby LogSnag