create a script that will parse a file every day and add new lines to a database in r

Here is a possible solution to your problem using R.

  1. First, you need to install the DBI package to connect with your database from R. You also need to install a package that supports your database (e.g., RPostgres for PostgreSQL). For this example, I'll assume you're using PostgreSQL.
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  1. Next, you need to create a database connection object. Replace the placeholders (dbname, user, password, host, port) with your database credentials.

con <- dbConnect(
  drv = RPostgres::Postgres(),
  dbname = "dbname",
  user = "user",
  password = "password",
  host = "host",
  port = 5432
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  1. You also need to create a table in your database to store the parsed file data. Replace your_table_name with a name of your choice.
  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS your_table_name (
    column1 TEXT,
    column2 INTEGER,
    column3 DATE
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  1. Next, you need to create a function that will parse your file and insert new lines into the database. Replace your_file_path with the path to your file, and modify the parsing logic based on your file format.
insert_new_lines <- function() {
  # read the file
  data <- readLines("your_file_path")
  # parse the file
  parsed_data <- lapply(data, function(line) {
    fields <- strsplit(line, ",")
      column1 = fields[[1]],
      column2 = as.integer(fields[[2]]),
      column3 = as.Date(fields[[3]], format = "%Y-%m-%d")
  # insert the new lines into the database
  for (i in seq_along(parsed_data)) {
      INSERT INTO your_table_name (column1, column2, column3)
      VALUES (?, ?, ?)
      params = parsed_data[[i]]
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  1. Finally, you need to schedule the script to run every day using a tool like cron (Linux/Mac) or Task Scheduler (Windows). Here is an example cron entry to run the script at midnight every day:
0 0 * * * Rscript /path/to/your/script.R
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Replace /path/to/your/script.R with the path to your R script. Make sure to make your script executable (chmod +x your/script.R) and include the shebang (#!/usr/bin/env Rscript) at the top of your script.

gistlibby LogSnag