scrape gistlib query in r

One way to scrape the results of a query on GistLib in R is to use the rvest package to extract information from the HTML page using CSS selectors. Here is an example code:


# URL with query parameters
url <- ""

# Read HTML content
page <- read_html(url)

# Extract information using CSS selectors
titles <- page %>% 
  html_nodes(".result-link h4") %>% 

authors <- page %>% 
  html_nodes(".result-link p.text-muted") %>% 

dates <- page %>% 
  html_nodes(".result-link p small span") %>% 

urls <- page %>% 
  html_nodes(".result-link") %>% 

# Create a data frame with the results
results <- data.frame(title = titles, author = authors, date = dates, url = urls)
605 chars
28 lines

This code uses CSS selectors to extract the title, author, date, and URL of each search result on GistLib, and stores the information in a data frame. You can modify the CSS selectors to extract other information from the page, or use other R packages such as XML or httr to perform web scraping.

gistlibby LogSnag