clear data from environment in r

To clear data from an R environment, you can use the rm() function. This function allows you to remove objects from the environment by specifying their names as arguments. Here's the basic syntax:

rm(object1, object2, ...)
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where object1, object2, etc., represent the names of the objects you want to remove.

For example, if you have a data frame named mydata that you want to remove from the environment, you would use:

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If you want to remove all objects except for a few that you specify, you can use the - operator to exclude them. For example, to remove all objects except mydata and myvector, you would use:

rm(list = setdiff(ls(), c("mydata", "myvector")))
50 chars
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This will remove all objects whose names are not mydata or myvector.

Keep in mind that removing objects from the environment is permanent, and if you remove an object that you still need later, you will need to recreate it.

gistlibby LogSnag