data manipulation code snippets in r

access excel sheet in file in r
add a column with the same value in r
add a value to a vector in r
calculate index in r
calculate the mean by group in r
calculate the mean by group with missing data in r
calculate the z score by group in r
change the order of columns in r
check if column values have 90 percent overlap in vlaues in r
clear data from environment in r
convert a tibble to an xts using the `date` column of the tibble as the xts index in r
convert columns into rows in r
copy a csv file in r
count the number in a grouop in r
covnert a dataframe variable from character to factor in r
create a dataframe in r
create a dataframe from csv file in r
create a function with mutate in r
create a loop and make a shapiro test on specific columns chosen in a vector in r
creates timeseries in r
dataset with subset of variables in r
delete a csv file in r
delete a file in r
delete empty rows in r
display all column of a df in r
display all unique values from a variable in r
divide row by another row if it is a certain comun in r
dplyr left join without middle names in r
dplyr remove prefix column names in r
dplyr rename first character all column names in r
dplyr rename prefix column names in r
drop variables in r
duplicate every row in a table and add a suffix with dplyr in r
example for sink() function in r
export a dataframe as csv file in r
export list as csv in r
extract the latest entry of a file in r
filter a dataframe from specific variable value superior to in r
filter a dataframe rows based on multiple values from a specific column in r
filter dates tidyverse in r
find kth most common elements in tidyverse in r
find smallest number by group in r
from character to numeric in r
get 95 percentile outliers in column in r
get candidate join columns in r
how do i divide table collumns in r
how to apply a function to a specific set of variable from a dataframe in r
how to assign a value in r in r
how to combine two dataframe in r
how to create a data table in r
how to create a dataframe in r
how to create a table in r
how to get 10th item from 2nd column in r
how to make consecutive dates in r
how to merge data in r
how to remove duplication in r
in a dataframe where the concentration column goes 10, 5, 2, 1 repeatedly, reverse the order of the concentration column in r
in a time series dataframe named "csmib", drop all the rows containing na observations in r
in data.table, assign multiple columns by reference in r
isolate most common in r
load an excel file in r
make a long list in r
matrix, how tu use in r
move a column in r
multivariable merge table in r
mutate a column via its name in r
parse variables to lm in r
pivot longer one column in data frame in r
plot a graph of g against income with three colours for each race. in r
plot qlrdf in a ggplo2 2 plot qlrdf <-$fstats) qlrdf <- qlrdf %>% mutate(index = c(1:1730), stats = x) qlrdf$x <- null in r
r divide a row by another row if the next column matches in r
remove mutltiple columns from a df in r
remove a column in a df with a special name in r
remove a row from a dataframe in r
remove column 'a' and 'c' from a df in r
remove columns in a dataframe in r
remove dataset in environment in r
remove specific columns in a dataframe in r
removing column from a df with their column names in r
reorder columns in r
reverse the order of a column of a tibble using tidyverese in r
select all the col in df exept the last in r
set the first row as headers in r
split a time series data to windows of length 10. then for each window, find the closest 5 neighbors from past in r
spread a data frame in a list in r
subset of variable whose names contain pattern in r
summarize all variables by group in r
summarize list of variables by group in r
summarize multiple variables by group in r
summarize variables by group in r
tidyverse overlap 90 percent column values in r
transpose a dataframe in r
turn a list into a table in r
use the ave function in r
write me how to keep all the column from a df containing the word "blank" in r
write to a csv file in r

gistlibby LogSnag