create shiny app for cv in r

To create a Shiny app for your CV or resume, you can follow these steps:

  1. Prepare your CV or resume

Before you start with the Shiny app, you need to prepare the content of your CV or resume. You can do this in any document editor of your choice, saving the final version in PDF format.

  1. Create a new Shiny app

In RStudio, go to File -> New File -> Shiny Web App. Choose a name for your app and select where to save it on your computer.

  1. Add your CV content

Open the ui.R file in your application directory and remove the default code. Then, add the UI elements that will be used to display your CV content. This could include headers, text, images, tables, and links. You can use HTML and CSS to style your content.


ui <- fluidPage(
  # Header
  tags$h1("My CV"),
  # Introduction
  tags$p("Welcome to my CV!"),
  # Experience
    # add table content here
  # Education
    # add table content here
  # Skills
    tags$li("Skill 1"),
    tags$li("Skill 2"),
    tags$li("Skill 3")
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  1. Add server logic

Open the server.R file in your application directory and remove the default code. Then, add the server logic that will handle the user interaction with your CV. This could include filtering, sorting, and searching for specific content. You can use R functions and packages to manipulate your data.

server <- function(input, output) {
  # add server logic here
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  1. Deploy your app

Once your app is ready, you can deploy it online using services such as or host it on your own server.

With these steps, you can create a Shiny app for your CV. Feel free to customize it to your liking and showcase your skills and experience in a unique and interactive way.

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