create a boxplot of a chosen variable in the data frame called plantgrowth in r

To create a boxplot of a chosen variable in the data frame called plantgrowth:

# load the dataset

# create a basic boxplot of the weight variable
114 chars
6 lines


  • First, we load the plantgrowth dataset using data(plantgrowth)
  • Then, we create a basic boxplot of the weight variable using boxplot(plantgrowth$weight)
  • The $ sign is used to access the weight column of the plantgrowth dataset

You can also create a more advanced boxplot with labels and titles:

# create a boxplot with labels and titles
boxplot(weight ~ group, data = plantgrowth, 
        main = "Boxplot of Plant Growth", 
        xlab = "Group", 
        ylab = "Weight")
180 chars
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  • This creates a boxplot of the weight variable in the plantgrowth dataset, grouped by the group variable
  • The main, xlab, and ylab arguments are used to add a title and axis labels to the plot

Note: You can customize the plot according to your requirements.

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