do a variation partioning in r

To perform variation partitioning in R, you can use the varpart function from the vegan package.

Here is an example of how to use varpart:


# create example data

# perform variation partitioning
vp <- varpart(dune ~ A1 + Management, dune.env)

# view the results
print(vp, digits=3)
186 chars
12 lines

In this example, dune is the species abundance data, and dune.env is a data frame containing environmental variables, including the factors A1 and Management. The formula dune ~ A1 + Management specifies the variables to include in the analysis.

The varpart function returns a list object containing several components, including the adjusted R-squared values for each variable, as well as the overall adjusted R-squared value for the model.

For more information on performing variation partitioning in R, see the varpart documentation and the vegan package vignettes.

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