nested.anova <- function(data, response, block, nested){
# Extract unique block identifiers
block.levels <- unique(data[, block])
# Initialize empty vectors to store SS and DF for sources of variation
ss.block <- rep(0, length(block.levels))
df.block <- rep(0, length(block.levels))
ss.nested <- 0
df.nested <- 0
ss.error <- 0
df.error <- 0
# Loop over each block
for(i in 1:length(block.levels)){
# Extract data for the current block <- data[data[, block] == block.levels[i],]
# Extract unique nested identifiers within the current block
nested.levels <- unique([, nested])
# Initialize empty vectors to store SS and DF for sources of variation
ss.nested.block <- rep(0, length(nested.levels))
df.nested.block <- rep(0, length(nested.levels))
# Loop over each nested identifier within the current block
for(j in 1:length(nested.levels)){
# Extract data for the current block and nested identifier <-[[, nested] == nested.levels[j],]
# Calculate the mean response for the current block
block.mean <- mean([, response])
# Calculate the SS and DF for the nested source of variation
ss.nested.block[j] <- sum(([, response] - block.mean)^2)
df.nested.block[j] <- nrow( - 1
# Add the SS and DF for the nested source of variation to the total
ss.nested <- ss.nested + ss.nested.block[j]
df.nested <- df.nested + df.nested.block[j]
# Calculate the mean response for the current block
block.mean <- mean([, response])
# Calculate the SS and DF for the block source of variation
ss.block[i] <- sum(([, response] - block.mean)^2)
df.block[i] <- length(nested.levels) - 1
# Add the SS and DF for the block source of variation to the error source of variation
ss.error <- ss.error + ss.block[i]
df.error <- df.error + df.block[i]
# Add the SS and DF for the nested source of variation to the error source of variation
ss.error <- ss.error + sum(ss.nested.block)
df.error <- df.error + sum(df.nested.block)
# Calculate the grand mean
grand.mean <- mean(data[, response])
# Calculate the SS and DF for the total source of variation <- sum((data[, response] - grand.mean)^2) <- nrow(data) - 1
# Summarize the ANOVA table
results <- data.frame(
Source = c(paste(block, "(B)"), paste(nested, "(N)", block, "(B:N)"), "Error", "Total"),
SS = c(sum(ss.block), ss.nested, ss.error,,
DF = c(sum(df.block), df.nested, df.error,,
MS = c(sum(ss.block)/sum(df.block), ss.nested/df.nested, ss.error/df.error,,
F = c((sum(ss.block)/sum(df.block))/(ss.error/df.error), (ss.nested/df.nested)/(ss.error/df.error), NA, NA),
p.value = c(pf((sum(ss.block)/sum(df.block))/(ss.error/df.error), df.block[1], df.error, lower.tail = FALSE), pf((ss.nested/df.nested)/(ss.error/df.error), df.nested, df.error, lower.tail = FALSE), NA, NA)