do a variation partioning using vegan package in r

Variation partitioning is a method used in ecological data analysis to partition the variation in a response variable into different explanatory variables. In R, the vegan package can be used to perform variation partitioning analysis. Here are the steps to do variation partitioning using vegan:

  1. Load the vegan package and your ecological data set.
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  1. Prepare your explanatory variables, which can be environmental or spatial variables.
env <- ecomor$env # environmental variables
sp <- ecomor$dist # spatial variables
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  1. Use the varpart function to do the variation partitioning analysis.
vp <- varpart(ecomor$taxa~env+sp)
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The varpart function takes a formula as input, with the response variable (ecomor$taxa) on the left-hand side and the explanatory variables (env and sp) on the right-hand side. The output of varpart provides the portion of variation explained by each explanatory variable and the shared variation between them.

  1. Visualize the variation partitioning results.
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This will create a Venn diagram that shows the unique and shared variation explained by each explanatory variable.

That's it! You have successfully performed variation partitioning using the vegan package in R.

gistlibby LogSnag