anova with repeated measure in r

One way to perform an ANOVA for repeated measures in R is to use a mixed effects model. Specifically, the lmer() function from the lme4 package can be used to fit a linear mixed effects model.

Here is an example code with explanations:

# Load the necessary package

# Read in data
data <- read.csv("your_data.csv")

# Fit the model (replace variable names with your own)
model <- lmer(dependent_variable ~ fixed_effect_1 + fixed_effect_2 + (1|subject_ID), data=data)

# Extract ANOVA table
anova_table <- anova(model)
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12 lines

In this example, dependent_variable is the response variable, fixed_effect_1 and fixed_effect_2 are the independent variables, and subject_ID is the ID variable for the repeated measure. The (1|subject_ID) notation specifies that the intercept varies randomly across subjects, while the fixed effects (i.e., the coefficients for fixed_effect_1 and fixed_effect_2) are assumed to be constant across subjects.

The resulting anova_table provides information on the fixed effects and the random intercept.

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