split a time series data to windows of length 10. then for each window, find the closest 5 preceding neighbors using weighted euclidean distance in r

To split a time series data to windows of length 10, you can use the rollapply function from the zoo package in R. Here's an example of how to do it:


# create a time series data (assuming it's stored in a vector called "data")
data <- rnorm(100)

# split the data into windows of length 10
windows <- rollapply(data, width = 10, align = "right", FUN = identity)
226 chars
8 lines

Now that you have the windows, you can loop through each window and find the closest 5 preceding neighbors using weighted euclidean distance. Here's an example of how to do it using the Dist function from the proxy package:


# define a function to find the closest 5 neighbors for a given window
find_neighbors <- function(window) {
  # create a matrix of the weighted data within the window
  window_weighted <- as.matrix(weighted_dist(window, diag = TRUE))

  # calculate the distances from each row to the last row (i.e. the "target")
  distances <- as.vector(Dist(window_weighted[-nrow(window_weighted),], window_weighted[nrow(window_weighted),], method = "euclidean"))

  # return the indices of the 5 closest neighbors
  return(tail(order(distances), 5))

# loop through each window and find the closest neighbors
for (i in seq_along(windows)) {
  neighbors <- find_neighbors(windows[[i]])
  print(paste("Window", i, ": Closest neighbors are", neighbors))
757 chars
20 lines

Note that this code assumes that the time series data is in a vector format. If it's in a different format (e.g. a data frame), you may need to adjust the code accordingly. Additionally, this code only considers the weighted euclidean distance between rows within each window, so if you need to calculate the distances between rows in different windows, you'll need to modify the code accordingly.

gistlibby LogSnag