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time series code snippets in r
convert a tibble to an xts using the `date` column of the tibble as the xts index in r
decompose a time series using the stl model and plot the decokmposition plot using autoplot in r
find the closest 10 neighbors of a time series in r
get two time series. split them into intersecting windows of length 10. then find the closest 5 neighbors for one time series from the other time series in r
ggplot line plot of this "egarch.forecast$`1973-04-01 01:00:00`" in r
given a set of time series data find the slope in r
how to moving average in r
in a time series dataframe named "csmib", drop all the rows containing na observations in r
in the ggplot2 plot of time series, generate vertical red lines at each date indicated in the "date" column of another dataframe in r
plot three different time series of different lenghts in a single ggplot2 plot. in r
split a time series data to windows of length 10. then for each window, find the closest 5 neighbors from past in r
split a time series data to windows of length 10. then for each window, find the closest 5 preceding neighbors using weighted euclidean distance in r
by LogSnag