how to get a vector's walsh mean in r

To get a vector's Walsh mean in R, you'll need to perform the Walsh-Hadamard transform on the vector, then multiply the resulting matrix by the vector, and then take the mean of the resulting values.

Here's the code:

# Define the vector
my_vec <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)

# Perform the Walsh-Hadamard transform
my_mat <- walsh(n = length(my_vec), type = "hadamard")

# Multiply the matrix by the vector
result <- my_mat %*% my_vec

# Take the mean of the values
walsh_mean <- mean(result)
262 chars
12 lines

In this code, we first define our vector my_vec. We then perform the Walsh-Hadamard transform on this vector using the walsh() function, which returns a matrix. Next, we multiply this matrix by our vector using %*%. The resulting result vector contains the values we need to calculate the Walsh mean. Finally, we take the mean of result using the mean() function to get the Walsh mean.

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