post request gistlib query in r

To send a POST request with a JSON payload to the GistLib API in R, you can use the httr package. Here's an example:


# set up the URL and headers
url <- ""
headers <- c("Content-Type" = "application/json", "Authorization" = "Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN")

# set up the payload as a list or data frame
payload <- list(
  query = "your_query_here",
  variables = list(var1 = "value1", var2 = "value2")

# convert the payload to JSON format
payload_json <- toJSON(payload)

# send the POST request
response <- POST(url = url, headers = headers, body = payload_json)

# get the response body as a string
response_content <- content(response, "text")

# convert the response to a list or data frame
response_data <- fromJSON(response_content)
682 chars
25 lines

Make sure to replace YOUR_API_TOKEN with your actual API token. Also, update query and variables in the payload variable with your actual query and variables.

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gistlibby LogSnag