calculate rmse for a list of var models var_models on r in r

To calculate the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) for a list of VAR models (var_models) in R, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, you need to install and load the vars package in R if it is not already installed:
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  1. Assuming that you have already fitted the VAR models and stored them in the var_models list, you can calculate the RMSE by extracting the residuals, squaring them, summing them across variables, dividing by the number of observations, and taking the square root.

Here is an example of how to calculate RMSE for each VAR model in the var_models list:

# Assuming var_models is a list of VAR models

rmse_list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(var_models)) {
  residuals <- residuals(var_models[[i]])
  squared_residuals <- residuals^2
  mse <- apply(squared_residuals, 2, mean)
  rmse <- sqrt(mse)
  rmse_list[[i]] <- rmse
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In this example, rmse_list is a list that stores the RMSE for each VAR model in the var_models list.

Please note that the above code assumes that your VAR models have already been fitted and stored in the var_models list. If you need help with fitting VAR models in R, please let me know.

Hope this helps!

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