remove a column in a df which contamin special characters in r

You can remove a column in a dataframe containing special characters using regular expressions with the gsub() function. Here's an example:

# Sample dataframe with special characters in column names
df <- data.frame("col.1" = 1:3, "col%2" = 4:6)

# Remove column with special character using regex
df <- df[, !grepl("[^[:alnum:]]", colnames(df), perl = TRUE)]

# Output the cleaned dataframe
255 chars
9 lines

In the above code, grepl("[^[:alnum:]]", colnames(df), perl = TRUE) identifies the column names which have non-alphanumeric characters using a regular expression. The gsub() function creates a new dataframe without these columns. This results in a dataframe with only columns having alphanumeric characters in their names.

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