regex code snippets in ruby

"these series are only required to occupy adjacent positions in the input; the digits need not be numerically consecutive" what does it mean? show examples in ruby
check if string starts with a timestamp in ruby
check if string starts with a timestamp and capture suffix in ruby
create a password with at least one number in ruby
create a password with at least one symbol in ruby
create a password with at least one uppercase letter in ruby
explain what each thing does in this regex: (/(.).*\1|\d/i) in ruby
find the extension of a csv file in ruby
fix it: `class isogram def self.isogram?(词) = 词.match(/(\w+).*\1/i) !~ end` in ruby
for `word = "isogram" result = word.match(/(.)\1|\d/i) p !result` how to change so that hyphenated words are also processed? in ruby
give a regex-based isogram checker in ruby in ruby
give the regex version (such as def isogram?(w) = p !w.match(/(.)(?:\1|-|\d)/i) for ` def isogram?(词) = 词.downcase.scan(/\w/) == 词.downcase.scan(/\w/).uniq` in ruby
how to extract only the words from this string: "[\"\\\"blink\\\",\", \"\\\"freakonomics\\\",\", \"\\\"outliers\\\"\"]" in ruby
if a string begins with a bullet or dash, remove it. in ruby
in the regex /(.).*\1|\d/i in ruby, how to also check for hyphens and white-space in ruby
split a string into two strings in ruby
what does s+ in str.gsub(/\s+/ mean in ruby
why can't `/(.).*\1|\d|[-\s]/i` detect that "thumbscrew-japingly" is an isogram? in ruby
without changing variable names, fix this program `def isogram?(词) p !词.match(/(.).*\1|\d/i) end so it can correctly identify 'six-year-old' and 'emily jung schwartzkopf' as isograms. in ruby

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