create a password with at least one symbol in ruby

One way to create a password with at least one symbol in Ruby is to use regular expressions to validate the password string.

Here's an example code snippet that checks if a password contains at least one symbol:

def valid_password?(password)
  has_symbol = /[!@#$%^&*()\-_=+{}\[\]\\|;:'",.<>\/?]/.match(password)
  has_symbol && password.length >= 8 # additional requirement for password length
187 chars
5 lines

In this method, we use the match method of the regular expression to check if the password string contains at least one symbol. If it does, we return true if the password length is also at least 8 characters. If it doesn't meet both requirements, we return false.

You can use this method to validate a user-generated password input to ensure that it meets the minimum requirements for a secure password.

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