create a password with uppercase letters in ruby

To create a password with uppercase letters in Ruby, you can use the SecureRandom module along with the rand method, which generates a random string of characters. You can then convert the generated string to uppercase using the upcase method.

Here's an example:

require 'securerandom'

password = SecureRandom.rand(36**8).to_s(36).upcase

puts password
91 chars
6 lines

In this example, we first require the SecureRandom module. Then, we generate a random string of 8 characters (you can adjust the number of characters by changing the first argument of rand).

The to_s(36) method converts the randomly generated integer to base 36, which includes both uppercase and lowercase letters as well as numbers. Finally, we convert the resulting string to uppercase using the upcase method.

The resulting password variable will contain a securely generated password with uppercase letters.

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