create a password with a custom length and numbers in ruby

To create a password with a custom length and numbers in ruby, you can use the SecureRandom library to generate a random string of characters. Here's an example code snippet:

require 'securerandom'

# define the password length
password_length = 10

# generate a random password
password = SecureRandom.alphanumeric(password_length)

# print the password
puts password
194 chars
11 lines

In this example, we first require the securerandom library. Then we define the password_length variable to be the desired length of the password. We then use the SecureRandom.alphanumeric method to generate a random string of letters and numbers with the specified length. Finally, we print the generated password.

This way, you can create a random password with any length you need and include numbers in it.

gistlibby LogSnag