find the last accessed date of a directory in ruby

You can use the File::Stat class to get the last accessed time of a directory in Ruby. Here's an example:

dir_path = '/path/to/directory'

# Get the last access time of the directory
access_time =

# Convert the access time to a human-readable format
access_time_string = access_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

puts "The directory was last accessed on #{access_time_string}"
304 chars
10 lines

In this example, we're first defining the path to the directory as dir_path. Then we're using File::Stat to get the last accessed time of the directory and store it in access_time.

Finally, we're converting the access_time to a human-readable string using strftime and printing it to the console.

Note that the access time may not always be accurate due to caching or other factors, but it should give you a good estimate of the last time the directory was accessed.

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