find the path of a json file in ruby

To find the path of a JSON file in Ruby, you can use the File class that comes with the Ruby Standard Library. First, require the json module then use the File.join method to join the directory path and the file name together. Finally, call the File.expand_path method to get the absolute path of the JSON file:

require 'json'

# directory where the JSON file is located
dir_path = "/path/to/json/files"

# name of the JSON file
file_name = "data.json"

# join the directory path and file name together
file_path = File.join(dir_path, file_name)

# get the absolute path of the file
absolute_path = File.expand_path(file_path)

# read the contents of the file
json_data =

# parse the JSON data
parsed_data = JSON.parse(json_data)

# do something with the parsed data
puts parsed_data
498 chars
23 lines

In the code above, we first required the json module. Then, we defined the dir_path and file_name variables to store the directory path and file name of the JSON file, respectively. We used the File.join method to join the directory path and file name together, and then passed the resulting file path to File.expand_path to get the absolute path of the JSON file.

Finally, we read the contents of the file using, and passed the resulting string to JSON.parse to parse the JSON data into a Ruby object. At this point, you can manipulate the data as needed within your Ruby program.

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