find the volume of a pyramid in ruby

To find the volume of a pyramid in Ruby, we can use the following formula:

volume = (1/3) * base_area * height
36 chars
2 lines

Where base_area is the area of the base of the pyramid and height is the height of the pyramid.

Here's a Ruby function that takes in the base length, base width, and height of the pyramid and returns its volume:

def pyramid_volume(base_length, base_width, height)
  base_area = base_length * base_width
  volume = (1.0/3.0) * base_area * height
  return volume
153 chars
6 lines

For example, to find the volume of a pyramid with base length of 4, base width of 3, and height of 6, we can call the function like this:

puts pyramid_volume(4, 3, 6) # Output: 24.0
44 chars
2 lines

Therefore, the volume of the given pyramid is 24.0 cubic units.

gistlibby LogSnag