format a date in to the format month day, year hour:minute am/pm in ruby

To format a date into the format month day, year hour:minute am/pm in Ruby, you can use the strftime method provided by the DateTime class.

Here's the code that demonstrates how to use strftime to format the date:

date = # Get the current date and time
formatted_date = date.strftime("%B %e, %Y %l:%M %p") # Format the date string
puts formatted_date # Output the formatted date
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In the code above, we first get the current date and time using the method. Then, we use the strftime method to format the date according to the specified format string.

The format string consists of formatting directives that start with a percent sign (%). In this case, we're using the following directives:

  • %B: Full month name (e.g. "January")
  • %e: Day of the month, with leading zero (01..31)
  • %Y: Year (e.g. 2021)
  • %l: Hour of the day, 12-hour clock (1..12)
  • %M: Minute of the hour (00..59)
  • %p: "AM" or "PM" (uppercase)

The result of strftime is a formatted string that represents the date in the specified format. Finally, we output the formatted date using the puts method.

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