ascii art in rust

To create ASCII art in Rust, you can use the Rust crate called "ascii" which is a collection of functions to manipulate ASCII characters and strings.

To install the "ascii" crate, add the following line to the [dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml file:
ascii = "1.0"
29 chars
3 lines

Here's an example Rust code that uses the ascii crate to print a "hello world" ASCII art:
use ascii::Art;
fn main() {
    let art = Art::new("Hello World", "sblood");
    println!("{}", art);
104 chars
6 lines

This code defines a new Art object with the desired text and ASCII style ("sblood" in this case), and then prints it to the terminal using the println!() macro.

You can use different ASCII styles by replacing the "sblood" argument with other options like "ogre", "slant", "straight", etc., or you can define your own ASCII art styles.

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