rust code snippets in rust

a macro that converts a declarative template syntax into dom api calls in rust
access the windows core audio api in rust
add a key-value pair to a map in rust
add a node to the beginning of a linked list in rust
add a node to the end of a linked list in rust
add an element to the beginning of an array in rust
add an element to the end of an array in rust
add cors headers to a http server in rust
add cors headers to a http server with a specific origin in rust
add cors headers to a http server with a specific origin and methods in rust
add two numbers in rust
aho-corasick algorithm in rust
an ecmascript compiler with jit in rust
api in rust
api request in rust
api rust in rust
append a string to the end of another string in rust
append to a csv file in rust
append to a file in rust
append to a json file in rust
ascii art in rust
ascii donuts art in rust
bep20 contract in rust
check if file exists in rust
check size of a vector in rust
clone a git repo in rust
combine two maps in rust
compress data using win32 api in rust
concat two strings and trim the result in rust
convert a number from base 10 to base 16 in rust
convert a number from base 10 to base 2 in rust
convert a number from base 10 to base 8 in rust
convert a number from base 2 to base 10 in rust
convert a number from base 2 to base 16 in rust
convert a number from base 2 to base 8 in rust
convert a string to an integer in rust
convert pathbuf to path in rust
convert string to i32 in rust
copy a file in rust
copy a json file in rust
create a 3d game engine in rust
create a async udp server with tokio in rust
create a blake2b hash from a string in rust
create a blake2s hash from a string in rust
create a closure in rust
create a csv file in rust
create a directory in rust
create a file in rust
create a function that performs matrix multiplication in rust
create a game using bevy in rust
create a http server in rust
create a http server and add a custom header to the response in rust
create a http server and parse authorization headers in rust
create a http server and parse cookies in rust
create a http server and parse cookies and return a json response in rust
create a http server and read the request body in rust
create a http server and read the request body as binary in rust
create a http server and read the request body as binary and return a binary response in rust
create a http server and read the request body as form data in rust
create a http server and read the request body as form url encoded in rust
create a http server and read the request body as html in rust
create a http server and read the request body as json in rust
create a http server and read the request body as json and return a json response in rust
create a http server and read the request body as multipart form data in rust
create a http server and read the request body as text in rust
create a http server and upload a file in rust
create a http server and upload a file and return a binary response in rust
create a http server and upload a file and return a json response in rust
create a http server on a specific port in rust
create a http server on a specific port and host in rust
create a http server with a connect route in rust
create a http server with a custom route in rust
create a http server with a delete route in rust
create a http server with a get route in rust
create a http server with a head route in rust
create a http server with a options route in rust
create a http server with a patch route in rust
create a http server with a post route in rust
create a http server with a put route in rust
create a http server with a specific route in rust
create a http server with a specific route and a specific status code in rust
create a http server with a trace route in rust
create a json file in rust
create a linked list in rust
create a loop in rust
create a md5 hash from a string in rust
create a password in rust
create a password with a custom length in rust
create a password with a custom length and lowercase letters in rust
create a password with a custom length and numbers in rust
create a password with a custom length and symbols in rust
create a password with a custom length and uppercase letters in rust
create a password with a custom length, uppercase letters and lowercase letters in rust
create a password with at least one lowercase letter in rust
create a password with at least one number in rust
create a password with at least one symbol in rust
create a password with at least one uppercase letter in rust
create a password with lowercase letters in rust
create a password with numbers in rust
create a password with symbols in rust
create a password with uppercase letters in rust
create a password with uppercase letters and lowercase letters in rust
create a password with uppercase, lowercase letters and numbers in rust
create a password with uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols in rust
create a rotating ascii cube in rust
create a sha1 hash from a string in rust
create a sha256 hash from a string in rust
create a sha3_256 hash from a string in rust
create a sha3_512 hash from a string in rust
create a sha512 hash from a string in rust
create a snake game in rust
create a spinning cube using bevy in rust
create a struct with a lifetime in rust
create a tcp client in rust
create a tcp client on a specific port in rust
create a tcp server in rust
create a tcp server on a specific port in rust
create a template string in rust
create a udp client in rust
create a udp client on a specific port in rust
create a udp server in rust
create a udp server on a specific port in rust
create a windows service in rust
create gtk4 window in rust
create yaml files for kubernetes with nginx ingress rules in rust
delete a csv file in rust
delete a directory in rust
delete a json file in rust
describe a database schema in rust
determine whether a transfer function is stable in rust
disjoint set in rust
divide two numbers in rust
draw a window in rust
dump json file in rust
dump ron file in rust
enumerate gltf materials in rust
export a database schema in rust
fetch pokemons from online api to array in rust
find all permutations of an array in rust
find index of vector item in rust
find the area of a circle in rust
find the area of a parallelogram in rust
find the area of a rectangle in rust
find the area of a regular polygon in rust
find the area of a regular polygon circumscribed around a circle in rust
find the area of a regular polygon inscribed in a circle in rust
find the area of a sector of a circle in rust
find the area of a segment of a circle in rust
find the area of a trapezoid in rust
find the average of a list of numbers in rust
find the average of all elements in an array in rust
find the average of all keys in a map in rust
find the average of all nodes in a linked list in rust
find the average of all values in a map in rust
find the base 10 logarithm of a number in rust
find the base 2 logarithm of a number in rust
find the base e logarithm of a number in rust
find the center of a black hole and then divide by zero in rust
find the contents of a directory in rust
find the creation date of a csv file in rust
find the creation date of a directory in rust
find the creation date of a json file in rust
find the cube root of a number in rust
find the current date in rust
find the current date and time in rust
find the current month in rust
find the difference of two maps in rust
find the distance between two points in rust
find the extension of a csv file in rust
find the extension of a file in rust
find the extension of a json file in rust
find the factorial of a number in rust
find the first character in a string in rust
find the first element in an array in rust
find the first index of a character in a string in rust
find the first index of a substring in a string in rust
find the first node in a linked list in rust
find the greatest common divisor of a list of numbers in rust
find the greatest common divisor of two numbers in rust
find the index of an element in an array in rust
find the intersection of two maps in rust
find the key associated with a value in a map in rust
find the keys of a map in rust
find the kth character in a string in rust
find the kth index of a character in a string in rust
find the kth index of a substring in a string in rust
find the kth largest element in an array in rust
find the kth largest key in a map in rust
find the kth largest node in a linked list in rust
find the kth largest number in a list in rust
find the kth least common element in an array in rust
find the kth least frequent element in an array in rust
find the kth longest word in a string in rust
find the kth most common element in an array in rust
find the kth most frequent element in an array in rust
find the kth smallest element in an array in rust
find the kth smallest key in a map in rust
find the kth smallest number in a list in rust
find the largest element in an array in rust
find the largest key in a map in rust
find the largest node in a linked list in rust
find the largest value in a map in rust
find the last accessed date of a csv file in rust
find the last accessed date of a directory in rust
find the last accessed date of a json file in rust
find the last character in a string in rust
find the last element in an array in rust
find the last index of a character in a string in rust
find the last index of a substring in a string in rust
find the last modified date of a directory in rust
find the last modified date of a file in rust
find the last modified date of a json file in rust
find the last node in a linked list in rust
find the least common multiple of a list of numbers in rust
find the least common multiple of two numbers in rust
find the length of a linked list in rust
find the length of a map in rust
find the length of a string in rust
find the length of an array in rust
find the logarithm of a number in rust
find the longest word in a string in rust
find the median of a list of numbers in rust
find the median of all elements in an array in rust
find the median of all keys in a map in rust
find the median of all nodes in a linked list in rust
find the median of all values in a map in rust
find the midpoint between two points in rust
find the mode of a list of numbers in rust
find the mode of all elements in an array in rust
find the mode of all keys in a map in rust
find the mode of all nodes in a linked list in rust
find the mode of all values in a map in rust
find the name of a directory in rust
find the name of a file in rust
find the name of a json file in rust
find the natural logarithm of a number in rust
find the nth catalan number in rust
find the nth decagonal number in rust
find the nth fibonacci number in rust
find the nth heptagonal number in rust
find the nth hexagonal number in rust
find the nth lucas number in rust
find the nth nonagonal number in rust
find the nth octagonal number in rust
find the nth pentagonal number in rust
find the nth prime number in rust
find the nth root of a number in rust
find the nth square number in rust
find the nth triangular number in rust
find the parent directory of a file in rust
find the path of a directory in rust
find the path of a file in rust
find the path of a json file in rust
find the range of all elements in an array in rust
find the range of all keys in a map in rust
find the range of all nodes in a linked list in rust
find the range of all values in a map in rust
find the remainder of two numbers in rust
find the root directory of a directory in rust
find the root directory of a file in rust
find the shortest word in a string in rust
find the size of a csv file in rust
find the size of a directory in rust
find the size of a file in rust
find the size of a json file in rust
find the slope between two points in rust
find the smallest element in an array in rust
find the smallest key in a map in rust
find the smallest node in a linked list in rust
find the smallest value in a map in rust
find the square root of a number in rust
find the standard deviation of a list of numbers in rust
find the standard deviation of all elements in an array in rust
find the standard deviation of all keys in a map in rust
find the standard deviation of all nodes in a linked list in rust
find the standard deviation of all values in a map in rust
find the sum of a list of numbers in rust
find the sum of all elements in an array in rust
find the sum of all keys in a map in rust
find the sum of all nodes in a linked list in rust
find the sum of all values in a map in rust
find the surface area of a cone in rust
find the surface area of a cube in rust
find the surface area of a cylinder in rust
find the surface area of a pyramid in rust
find the surface area of a regular polygon circumscribed around a cone in rust
find the surface area of a regular polygon circumscribed around a pyramid in rust
find the surface area of a regular polygon circumscribed around a sphere in rust
find the surface area of a regular polygon circumscribed around a triangular prism in rust
find the surface area of a regular polygon inscribed in a cone in rust
find the surface area of a regular polygon inscribed in a cylinder in rust
find the surface area of a regular polygon inscribed in a pyramid in rust
find the surface area of a regular polygon inscribed in a sphere in rust
find the surface area of a regular polygon inscribed in a triangular prism in rust
find the surface area of a sphere in rust
find the surface area of a triangular prism in rust
find the symmetric difference of two maps in rust
find the union of two maps in rust
find the value associated with a key in a map in rust
find the values of a map in rust
find the variance of a list of numbers in rust
find the variance of all elements in an array in rust
find the variance of all keys in a map in rust
find the variance of all nodes in a linked list in rust
find the variance of all values in a map in rust
find the volume of a cone in rust
find the volume of a cube in rust
find the volume of a cylinder in rust
find the volume of a pyramid in rust
find the volume of a rectangular prism in rust
find the volume of a regular polygon circumscribed around a cone in rust
find the volume of a regular polygon circumscribed around a cylinder in rust
find the volume of a regular polygon circumscribed around a pyramid in rust
find the volume of a regular polygon circumscribed around a sphere in rust
find the volume of a regular polygon circumscribed around a triangular prism in rust
find the volume of a regular polygon inscribed in a cone in rust
find the volume of a regular polygon inscribed in a cylinder in rust
find the volume of a regular polygon inscribed in a pyramid in rust
find the volume of a regular polygon inscribed in a sphere in rust
find the volume of a regular polygon inscribed in a triangular prism in rust
find the volume of a sphere in rust
format a date in to the format 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' in rust
format a date in to the format 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.fff zzz' in rust
format a date in to the format 'yyyy-mm-dd' in rust
format a date in to the format month day, year in rust
format a date in to the format month day, year hour:minute am/pm in rust
format a date in to the format month day, year hour:minute:second am/pm in rust
format a date in to the format month day, year hour:minute:second.fff am/pm in rust
format a date in to the format month day, year hour:minute:second.fff am/pm zzz in rust
format a date in to the format october 13, 2014 in rust
format a date in to the format october 13, 2014 11:13 am in rust
format a date in to the format october 13, 2014 11:13:00 am in rust
format a date in to the format october 13, 2014 11:13:00.000 am in rust
format a date in to the format october 13, 2014 11:13:00.000 am gmt-07:00 in rust
format date in rust
generate a random array in rust
generate a random boolean in rust
generate a random number in rust
generate a random number between 0 and 1 in rust
generate a random number between 1 and 10 in rust
generate a random number between 1 and 100 in rust
generate a random string in rust
generate a random uuid in rust
get a normally distributed random number in rust
get a random element from an array in rust
get a random number from a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 in rust
get a sample of 5 elements from an array in rust
get a sample of 5 elements from an array with replacement in rust
get a sample of 5 elements from an array without replacement in rust
get a uniformly distributed random number in rust
get an applications volume in rust
get size of a file or folder in rust
get system architecture in rust
get system boot time in rust
get system boot time in milliseconds in rust
get system boot time in minutes in rust
get system boot time in seconds in rust
get system cpu count in rust
get system cpu frequency in rust
get system cpu temperature in rust
get system cpu temperature in celsius in rust
get system cpu temperature in fahrenheit in rust
get system cpu usage in rust
get system free disk space in rust
get system free memory in rust
get system name in rust
get system platform in rust
get system release in rust
get system total disk space in rust
get system total memory in rust
get system type in rust
get system uptime in rust
get the max value of an array in rust
hello world in rust
how to rewrite the linux kernel in rust in rust
how to salt a password in rust
how to use sql in rust
how to write a token smart contract to run on bsc network in rust
implement a skiplist in rust
implement an arena allocator in rust
import gltf in rust
in tauri, get the currently open apps in dock in rust
inline assembly in rust
insert a string into another string at a specific index in rust
insert an element into an array at a specific index in rust
join an array of substrings into a string in rust
join two strings in rust
line table in rust
linked list in rust
list all avaiable files in a directory in rust
loop through vector in rust
make a class in rust
make a class with inheritance in rust
make a get request with headers in rust
make a http connect request in rust
make a http delete request in rust
make a http get request in rust
make a http head request in rust
make a http options request in rust
make a http patch request in rust
make a http post request in rust
make a http request with a custom body in rust
make a http request with a custom body as binary in rust
make a http request with a custom body as binary and return a binary response in rust
make a http request with a custom body as form data in rust
make a http request with a custom body as form url encoded in rust
make a http request with a custom body as html in rust
make a http request with a custom body as json in rust
make a http request with a custom body as json and return a json response in rust
make a http request with a custom body as multipart form data in rust
make a http request with a custom body as text in rust
make a http request with a custom header in rust
make a http request with a custom method in rust
make a http request with url parameters in rust
make a http trace request in rust
make a rest api request and parse the json result in rust
make an external api call in rust
match a string in rust
move a csv file in rust
move a directory in rust
move a json file in rust
multiply two numbers in rust
open a file in rust
parse authorization headers in rust
parse jwt tokens in rust
parsing binary expressions in rust
prepend a string to the beginning of another string in rust
print hello world in rust
random number in rust
read a csv file in rust
read a file in rust
read a file in binary in rust
read a json file in rust
read user input in rust
remove a character from a string in rust
remove a character from a string at a specific index in rust
remove a node from the beginning of a linked list in rust
remove a node from the end of a linked list in rust
remove a node from the middle of a linked list in rust
remove a substring from a string in rust
remove a substring from a string at a specific index in rust
remove an element from an array at a specific index in rust
remove an element from the beginning of an array in rust
remove an element from the end of an array in rust
remove an element from the middle of an array in rust
rename a csv file in rust
rename a directory in rust
rename a json file in rust
replace a character in a string in rust
replace a substring in a string in rust
resize an image in rust
resize an image based on a url query and return the image in rust
restart the computer in rust
return a binary response from a http server in rust
return a html response from a http server in rust
return a json response from a http server in rust
return a json response from a http server with a specific status code in rust
return a result from a request in rust
reverse an array in rust
rewrite linux in rust
rewrite rust in rust
rewrite the linux kernel in rust
round a number to the nearest hundredth in rust
round a number to the nearest integer in rust
round a number to the nearest ten thousandth in rust
round a number to the nearest tenth in rust
round a number to the nearest thousandth in rust
send a binary json message to a tcp server in rust
send a binary json message to a udp server in rust
send a binary message to a tcp server in rust
send a binary message to a udp server in rust
send a json message to a tcp server in rust
send a json message to a udp server in rust
send a message to a tcp server in rust
send a message to a udp server in rust
send a message via twilio sms in rust
shuffle a string in rust
shuffle an array in rust
sort an array in rust
split a map into two maps in rust
split a string into an array of characters in rust
split a string into an array of substrings in rust
split a string into an array of words in rust
split a string into two strings in rust
subtract two numbers in rust
take the absolute value of a number in rust
take the arccosine of a number in rust
take the arcsine of a number in rust
take the arctangent of a number in rust
take the ceiling of a number in rust
take the cosecant of a number in rust
take the cosine of a number in rust
take the cotangent of a number in rust
take the derivative of a function in rust
take the floor of a number in rust
take the integral of a function in rust
take the secant of a number in rust
take the tangent of a number in rust
template for a bep20 token smart contract with buy & sell function, developer fee, charity fee, and auto liquidity function in rust
track newlines in a string in rust
udp punch hole in rust
udp punchhole in rust
update element in database by similarity in rust
upscale an image in rust
use a function javascript in rust
web server in rust
wgpu draw triangle in rust
winit initialize in rust
write a ping pong game with multiplayer support in rust
write to a csv file in rust
write to a file in rust
write to a json file in rust
write to postgre in rust
x86_64 inline assembly that adds two numbers in rust
x86_64 nasm inline assembly that adds two numbers in rust

gistlibby LogSnag