format a date in to the format month day, year hour:minute:second.fff am/pm zzz in rust

To format a datetime in Rust, you can use the chrono crate.

Here is an example code snippet that formats a datetime into the desired format:
use chrono::{DateTime, Local, TimeZone};

fn format_datetime(dt: DateTime<Local>) -> String {
    dt.format("%B %e, %Y %I:%M:%S%.3f %p %Z").to_string()

fn main() {
    let dt = Local::now();
    let formatted_dt = format_datetime(dt);
    println!("{}", formatted_dt);
274 chars
12 lines


  • chrono::DateTime represents a datetime object.
  • chrono::Local provides the current datetime in the local timezone.
  • format_datetime takes a DateTime<Local> object and returns a formatted string according to the desired format.
  • dt.format(format_string) formats the datetime object according to the format_string provided.
  • %B is the full month name, %e is the day of the month (no leading zeros), %Y is the full year, %I is the hour (12-hour clock), %M is the minute, %S is the second, %.3f is the milliseconds with 3 decimal places, %p is the AM/PM indicator, and %Z is the timezone abbreviation.
  • to_string() returns the formatted string.

This code will output a string in the format "Month day, year hour:minute:second.fff am/pm zzz", using the current date and time in the local timezone.

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