format a date in to the format october 13, 2014 11:13 am in rust

You can use the strftime() function provided by the chrono crate in Rust to format a date into the desired format.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to format the date:
use chrono::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let dt = Utc::now();

    // Use strftime to format the date
    let formatted_date = dt.format("%B %d, %Y %I:%M %p").to_string();

    println!("{}", formatted_date);
211 chars
11 lines

This code first imports the necessary libraries to work with dates and times. Then, it uses the Utc::now() function to get the current date and time in the UTC timezone.

Finally, it uses the strftime() function to format the date using the desired format string. In this case, %B represents the full month name, %d represents the day of the month with zero padding, %Y represents the full year, %I represents the hour in 12-hour format, %M represents the minute, and %p represents either "AM" or "PM" depending on the time of day.

The resulting formatted date is then printed to the console.

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