find the kth largest node in a linked list in rust

To find the kth largest node in a linked list in Rust, we first need to define a LinkedList data structure. Here's an example implementation using Rust's standard library std::collections::LinkedList:
use std::collections::LinkedList;

fn kth_largest_node(list: &LinkedList<i32>, k: usize) -> Option<&i32> {
    let mut current = list.iter();
    let mut kth_largest =;

    for _ in 1..k {
        if let Some(next) = {
            if next > kth_largest.unwrap() {
                kth_largest = Some(next);
        } else {
            // Return None if the list is shorter than k.
            return None;

    while let Some(next) = {
        if next > kth_largest.unwrap() {
            kth_largest = Some(next);

626 chars
26 lines

The kth_largest_node function takes a reference to a LinkedList<i32> and a usize k as input parameters, and returns an Option<&i32> that points to the value of the kth largest node in the list. If the list is shorter than k, the function returns None.

The function works by first iterating over the list to find the kth largest node. We start by initializing the current iterator to the beginning of the list, and setting kth_largest to the first node in the list. We then iterate over the rest of the nodes in the list, and update kth_largest to the node with the largest value that we've seen so far.

After we've found the kth largest node in the list, we iterate over the rest of the nodes in the list to make sure that there isn't a node with an even larger value that we missed on our first pass.

Note that this implementation assumes that the values in the linked list are ordered from largest to smallest. If the values are not ordered, you'll need to sort the list first before running the kth_largest_node function.

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