get an applications volume in rust

To get an application's volume in Rust, we can use the alsa crate which provides an interface to the ALSA sound library. First, we need to open the playback device and then get the mixer control for the desired application. Then, we can get the current value of the mixer control which represents the volume of the application.

Here's an example code snippet that shows how to get the volume for a specific application:
extern crate alsa;

use alsa::{Direction, ValueOr};
use std::ffi::CString;

fn main() {
    let pcm = alsa::pcm::PCM::new("default", Direction::Playback, false).unwrap();

    // Get the mixer control for the application
    let mixer_name = CString::new("PCM").unwrap();
    let mixer_handle = alsa::mixer::Mixer::new(&mixer_name, false).unwrap();
    let mixer_elem = mixer_handle
        .find_selem(&alsa::mixer::SelemId::new("myapp", 0))

    // Get the current value of the mixer control
    let mut volume = alsa::mixer::SelemValue::new(mixer_elem.get_num_channels()).unwrap();
    mixer_elem.get_playback_volume(&mut volume).unwrap();
    let volume_percent = volume.get(0).unwrap().value().get() as u8;
    println!("Application volume: {}%", volume_percent);
790 chars
22 lines

This code opens the default playback device, gets the mixer control for an application named "myapp", and then gets the current volume of the application. The volume_percent variable stores the current volume as a percentage which can be used to display the volume level to the user.

gistlibby LogSnag