find the volume of a cylinder in rust

To find the volume of a cylinder in Rust, we need to use the formula:

Volume = pi * radius^2 * height

Here is a Rust function that takes in the values for radius and height, calculates the volume of the cylinder using the above formula, and returns the volume:
fn cylinder_volume(radius: f64, height: f64) -> f64 {
    let pi = std::f64::consts::PI;  // get the value of Pi from the standard library
    let volume = pi * radius.powi(2) * height;  // calculate the cylinder volume
    volume  // return the volume
255 chars
6 lines

In the above code, we define a function called cylinder_volume that takes two parameters of type f64 - radius and height.

We then use the std::f64::consts::PI (from the standard library) to get the value of Pi and store it in a variable called pi.

Next, we use the formula to calculate the volume of the cylinder and store the result in a variable called volume.

Finally, we return the value of volume.

We can call this function with different values of radius and height to calculate the volume of different cylinders.

Here is an example of how to call the function:
let radius = 5.0;
let height = 10.0;
let volume = cylinder_volume(radius, height);
println!("The volume of the cylinder is: {}", volume);
138 chars
5 lines

This will output: The volume of the cylinder is: 785.3981633974483 (assuming we have not rounded the output).

gistlibby LogSnag