disjoint set in rust

Disjoint Set is a data structure that allows us to keep track of disjoint sets and perform operations such as union and find efficiently. In Rust, we can implement Disjoint Set using the Union-Find algorithm.

Here is an implementation of Disjoint Set using the rust-lang library:

use std::collections::HashMap;

struct DisjointSet {
    parent: HashMap<i32, i32>,
    rank: HashMap<i32, i32>,

impl DisjointSet {
    fn new() -> Self {
        DisjointSet {
            parent: HashMap::new(),
            rank: HashMap::new(),

    fn make_set(&mut self, i: i32) {
        if !self.parent.contains_key(&i) {
            self.parent.insert(i, i);
            self.rank.insert(i, 0);

    fn find(&mut self, i: i32) -> i32 {
        if !self.parent.contains_key(&i) {
            return -1;
        if self.parent[&i] != i {
            self.parent.insert(i, self.find(self.parent[&i]));
        return self.parent[&i];

    fn union(&mut self, i: i32, j: i32) {
        let i_root = self.find(i);
        let j_root = self.find(j);
        if i_root == j_root {
        if self.rank[&i_root] < self.rank[&j_root] {
            self.parent.insert(i_root, j_root);
        } else if self.rank[&i_root] > self.rank[&j_root] {
            self.parent.insert(j_root, i_root);
        } else {
            self.parent.insert(j_root, i_root);
            self.rank.insert(i_root, self.rank[&i_root] + 1);
1226 chars
49 lines

To use this implementation, we can create a new instance of the Disjoint Set using the new method. We can then add elements to the set using the make_set method. We can perform the find operation using the find method, and the union operation using the union method.

Here is an example usage:

fn main() {
    let mut ds = DisjointSet::new();
    ds.union(1, 2);
    assert_eq!(ds.find(1), ds.find(2));
151 chars
8 lines

gistlibby LogSnag