find the last modified date of a directory in rust

To find the last modified date of a directory in Rust, we need to use the metadata method provided by the std::fs module. This method returns filesystem metadata for a given file or directory, including the modification time.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to find the modification time of a directory:
use std::fs;

fn main() {
    let dir_path = "/path/to/directory";

    let metadata = fs::metadata(dir_path).expect("Failed to get metadata");

    let modification_time = metadata.modified().expect("Failed to get modification time");

    println!("Directory was last modified on {}", modification_time);
309 chars
12 lines

In this example, we first specify the path to the directory we want to inspect. Next, we call the metadata method to get the filesystem metadata for that directory. We then use the modified method on the metadata object to get the modification time, which is returned as a Result object. Finally, we print out the modification time using println!.

Note that the metadata method can also be used to get metadata for files and other types of filesystem objects, and can be useful for tasks such as checking file size and permissions.

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