remove a substring from a string at a specific index in rust

To remove a substring from a string at a specific index in Rust, we can use string slicing and concatenation.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to do this:
fn remove_substring_at_index(s: &str, index: usize, substring: &str) -> String {
    let part1 = &s[..index]; // slice from start up to but not including the given index
    let part2 = &s[index+substring.len()..]; // slice from the end of the substring to the end of the string
    format!("{}{}", part1, part2) // concatenate the parts

fn main() {
    let s = "hello world";
    let new_s = remove_substring_at_index(s, 6, "wor"); // remove "wor" starting at index 6
    println!("{}", new_s); // prints "hello ld"

523 chars
13 lines

In this example, we define a function remove_substring_at_index which takes three parameters: the original string s, the index at which to start removing the substring, and the substring to remove.

Inside the function, we first slice the original string into two parts: everything up to but not including the given index, and everything after the end of the substring. We then concatenate these two parts using the format! macro to create a new string with the substring removed.

In the main function, we demonstrate how to use the remove_substring_at_index function to remove the substring "wor" from the string "hello world" starting at index 6. The resulting string, "hello ld", is printed to the console.

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