create a windows service in rust

To create a Windows service in Rust, we need to use the winapi crate, which provides bindings to the Windows API. We also need to use multithreading to keep the service running in the background.

Here is an example code to create a Windows service in Rust:
use std::ptr::null_mut;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt;
use winapi::um::winnt::*;
use winapi::um::winsvc::*;
use winapi::shared::minwindef::*;
use std::thread;

fn main() {
    // Service name and display name
    let service_name = OsStr::new("MyService").encode_wide().chain(Some(0).into_iter()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
    let display_name = OsStr::new("My Service").encode_wide().chain(Some(0).into_iter()).collect::<Vec<_>>();

    // Service table
    let service_table = [SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY {
        lpServiceName: service_name.as_ptr(),
        lpServiceProc: Some(service_main),

    // Start service control dispatcher thread
    unsafe {

fn service_main(_: DWORD, _: *mut LPWSTR) {
    // Service status handle
    let status_handle = unsafe {
        RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW(null_mut(), Some(service_control_handler), null_mut())

    if status_handle.is_null() {

    // Set service status
    let service_status = SERVICE_STATUS {
        dwServiceType: SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS,
        dwCurrentState: SERVICE_RUNNING,
        dwControlsAccepted: SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP,
        dwWin32ExitCode: NO_ERROR,
        dwServiceSpecificExitCode: 0,
        dwCheckPoint: 0,
        dwWaitHint: 0,
    unsafe {
        SetServiceStatus(status_handle, &service_status);

    // Run service logic
    loop {
        // Do something

unsafe extern "system" fn service_control_handler(_: DWORD, _: DWORD, _: LPVOID, _: LPVOID, _: *mut SERVICE_STATUS) -> DWORD {
    // Handle service control commands
    return NO_ERROR;
1750 chars
62 lines

This code creates a simple Windows service that sleeps for 5 seconds and repeats. The service_main function is the main entry point of the service, while the service_control_handler function handles service control commands.

Note that this is just a basic example and additional code is needed to implement the full logic of the service.

gistlibby LogSnag