find the volume of a regular polygon circumscribed around a pyramid in rust

To find the volume of a regular polygon circumscribed around a pyramid, we first need to find the area of the base of the pyramid by using the formula for the area of a regular polygon. We can then use the formula for the volume of a pyramid to calculate the volume.

Here's the code in Rust:
use std::f64::consts::PI;

fn main() {
    let n = 6; // number of sides of the regular polygon
    let r = 5.0; // radius of the circumscribed circle
    let h = 10.0; // height of the pyramid

    let a = (n as f64 * r.powi(2) * PI / n as f64).sin() * 2.0 * r; // area of the regular polygon
    let v = a * h / 3.0; // volume of the pyramid

    println!("Volume of the pyramid: {:.2}", v);
396 chars
13 lines

In this code, we declare the number of sides of the regular polygon (n), the radius of the circumscribed circle (r), and the height of the pyramid (h). We then use the formula for the area of a regular polygon to calculate the area of the base, which is stored in a. Finally, we use the formula for the volume of a pyramid to calculate the volume and print it out to the console.

Note that we use f64 for floating point numbers and include the PI constant from the std::f64::consts module. We also use the powi method to raise r to the power of 2, and the sin method to calculate the sine of the angle of each sector of the polygon.

This code should output:
Volume of the pyramid: 234.13
30 chars
2 lines

gistlibby LogSnag